Manon Fallet

Manon Fallet

City coordinator

I’m fascinated by environmental impacts on organisms, so what could be better than observing the effects of a cozy atmosphere on an audience eager for knowledge? Also fond of fun challenges, I'm thrilled to host Pint of Science in Örebro!

Jana Geuer

Jana Geuer

Event manager

Avid environmental scientist, I love the idea of sharing scientific topics relevant for everyone with anyone interested. Pint of Science offers the relaxed atmosphere to do that, and I am looking forward to making it happen in Örebro.

Lina Lundin

Lina Lundin

Event manager

Hello! I’m Lina, an ecotoxicology student at Örebro university! I'm writing a review on micro- and nanoplastic.
I'm incredibly excited to be a part of this event and I love the idea of combining my two favorite things, science, and beer :)

Jonas Zetzsche

Jonas Zetzsche

Event manager

I explore human effects on our surroundings and aim to improve science-society communication. Establish a stronger connection, bring us together, and improve our understanding to make a more positive impact. Plus, I think it’s fun too ????

Andi Alijagic

Andi Alijagic

Event manager

Örebro Uni's toxicity maestro, waltzes with (nano)particles, chemicals, and cell drama to decode dirty secrets of plastics, metals, and advanced materials. Excited to join to Pint of Science 24!